Colours Of My World

Thursday, August 05, 2004

A new pic of Huiwen! Isn't she pretty!? Posted by Hello

Thoughts on the bus

Been a long time since I last updated my diary, so many things have happened since then. So many thoughts and emotions have gone through my mind. Quite a bit has changed within me too. Since my return from China, I’ve been thinking a lot on my morality and life. Also been thinking about Cheryl. Whether should I ask her to go steady or not? Do I like her or do I want to be with her just because I’m feeling lonely? I think its probably both, then if its because of these 2 reasons, then which reason is stronger and which is weaker? In an ideal relationship, which one should be stronger or should they be equal?

Am typing this in a bus now, the bloody bus driver thinks that he is Keanu Reeves in Speed, the ride is so bumpy. I spent the whole day and the whole of last night reading Belle’s blog. It’s so interesting! Belle’s this London call girl who’s got such a witty way of writing what goes on in her life about life as a “working girl”, nymphomania and in London. I just love the way she writes! There is this phrase that she used that caught my attention. ‘Better to be thought dim by keeping quiet than to open your open and remove all doubt’ She’s a way better writer than SarongPartyGirl. Hahah, looking at myself type out her nick just makes me laugh! It just sounds so…. Singaporean? Of course, I’m not discrediting SPG(the blogger). I think she’s a really good writer too! Just that occasionally she’s in one of those incoherent moods that makes reading her blog seem like reading rubbish. But I understand a blog is just for a person to pen down their thoughts and not just for readers to enjoy. However, Belle seems to write her blog as if she’s writing it exclusively for her readers. Everything’s so reader friendly, it’s as if I’m reading a book written by someone in first person perspective. Makes me wonder how authentic the blog truly is…

And after reading Belle’s blog, I feel so much more relieved! I don’t feel so screwed up and guilt drenched about how horny I sometimes get. (Which happens usually in the morning and in the evening. Periods of boredom) Oh well, the bus is reaching my spot…