Friday, December 24, 2004

Re: Relationships and other topics that captured my attention

Decided to change the format of my blog from a dark gloomy one to a more refreshing one. Psychologically, this change reflects the change in my dark brooding mood to a more upbeat fresh outlook on life.

Yesterday in the underpass at esplanade, my friend took a picture of me doing a seven.(You can see the photos below this entry) Thought it was a pretty good pose til I compared it with a similar picture someone else took of me a year back. I look pretty much the same in both of the pictures except for one change. I've put on weight! Its not very obvious til you notice the region around the tummy. In the picture of me doing the tombstone you can see that I had some definition around my tummy, and in the recent one you'll not see any definition! Friend of mine suggested doing 200 crunches and leg raises a day.

Hmm...Nah... Don't think I'll do that.

Was talking to Lynnette(The girl I met on the train, wonder if she'll mind me posting her photo in my blog) on MSN yesterday and she told me to "move my blog" Was rather pleasantly surprised to hear that because that would mean she bothers checking it out once in a while. She'll probably be the first person ever to bother checking out my blog! I'm flattered. I would never think that anyone would be interested in reading my blog, 1) because this blog mostly was used as a place to air my dirty linen and to express my infatuations. With that objective in mind, its hardly audience friendly 2) Secondly, I don't consider whatever I write witty, deep or humourous entries. Trying not to make spelling mistakes is my priority whenever I write a post! Hence, how interesting can my entries get?

How do I feel about Lynnette now? Well, I really do like talking to her and yes I still do find her attractive. But she's in a relationship with someone else now. Sigh... anyway, even if she were single I doubt I'll get anywhere with her. I'm a total klutz when it comes to relationships. Totally inexperienced and inept in such stuff. Hahah, I'm just whinning. Shalln't give it anymore thought for today.

The next topic in my mind is what we'll all been waiting for!(or at least what I've been waiting for to write about) Relationships!!! Yes, the topic of relationships in all its sordid glory! Like I mentioned was talking to Larry, Zhiyang and Belinda about how many relationships they've been through. And oh boy was I surprised! Asked one of them how many relationships have he/she been through and the reply was "serious or non-serious"? Hahah, scandalous!

Oh boy, one answered 3(if I remember correctly) But if he/she included non-serious ones, add another 5 to that number. The other person was deep in thought for a while and after a while said 4 serious ones. And after another 5 minutes abruptly blurted out 24 non-serious ones(around that number)! And he/she thought about it and added one more, remembering that, that girl that he forgot was the super horny girl that doesn't talk much. Shessh... Oh man! I never knew I had such scandalous pals! He/she went on later to talk about how he/she feels that he/she is being used by boys/girls as a sex toy. That the boys/girls(notice the plural) call him/her a Sex God/Goddess. I remember asking him/her then if he/she feels that he/she is being used as a sex toy why does he/she do it? Then the reply was "because sometimes in the mnd of the night, I feel horny" Me too... Me too... Heheh

Another of them asked us, "What would you do if you like this girl and she likes you back?"

And we replied
"But she's a man?"
"But you're a woman?"
"She likes women?"
"She's got cancer?"
"You got AIDS?"
"You have a small dick?"

"But she's attached?"


"Then why don't you have a fling with her?"

Yah, I am already...

Shesh man, the skeletons in my friends closet are numerous enough for a Lim Chu Kang graveyard! Somehow I don't feel so bad now about the "Bastard" entry in my blog.


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