Sunday, May 30, 2004

The morning after...

Well, it's the morning, I mean the afternoon after that incident with Cheryl telling me we are incompatible. The sad thing is, she's right. Still can't stop thinking of what a waste it is. But I guess it's for the best. It's so hard to let go but I guess this time I should. It's for the best for us. Sigh...

On a nicer note, I think I stand a pretty good chance with Huiwen. AHAhahahh, I'll try to upload a photo of her here. How do I know I stand a chance with her? She laughs at my jokes.ahahahah, well that could mean she's very polite too. Anyway, I'm just trying to make myself feel better. I doubt anything will happen. But I'll never know!

On a sillier note, Callixta thinks that I'm love sick over her. Hahah, everytime I go online, she immediately changes to away mode. Just this afternoon, I came on as "Fell in love fast, Falling Hard" Hahah, she immediately changed to Away mode on MSN. Silly girl. OH well, I'll let her imagine that I'm her stalker and all that. Seems to satisfy her ego in some perverse way.

Time to move on Charlesy! Focus! Prioritise!


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