Sunday, July 24, 2005

Why guys should not wank

Why is wanking bad for you

Recently I've been talking to this girl from the IRC who's 26. Let's call her Y. Well, she's really funny and great to talk. Never a moment of dullness when I'm yaking on the phone with her. Though I must admit she does most of the talking. Anyway when she asked me what do I do most of the time in life I gave the standard
but honest answers."I play computer games, breakdance, read and wank off"(not in
order of ascending priority or proportion of time spent. Though it might be in descending order)

Then she told me that I shouldn't wank off so much because its bad for me. And in my opinion I suppose that's true because by wanking off too much it makes a person
addicted to getting their weekly/daily/hourly(circle accordingly) dose of an orgasm and perpetually horny if they don't get it. However that's just my opinion and last night I got curious if she thought the sane way as me and asked her why does she think wanking off too much is bad for me? And her answer was very interesting and surprisingly alot more convincing than any other reason (e.g. Bible says it wrong in page so and so, its loser-ish, it seems wrong) for not wanking I've ever heard before.

"Guys should not wank off too much because they will get too used to the speed and
rhythm of their hand and as a result when they have a fuck, they will not be able to cum unless they are fucking at that speed and rhythm which is just too fast for their partner(and for them to keep up!) to enjoy and it makes her feel like a piece of meat"

Pretty interesting right? I've never thought of it that way before. She makes alot of sense. And from henceforth, I shall endeavor not to wank off so much! Not because I do not want to risk succumbing to the addiction of wanking off or because some phrase in the bible says so or because the Catholic church frowns upon it but because I want to be a good fuck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

heya..ur blog's kinda gross yet the bastard thing really true? come you haven't been updating?its quite entertaining to read though.haha.;0)hope to read ur updates soon!

8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello! Sorry, got d/c by the bloody connection on msn. =p

Anyway, u disappeared too!

Oh well, will speak to u soon and maybe even meet u when u decide to return the bra to OCS. =p

11:33 PM  

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