Colours Of My World

Monday, June 14, 2004

Part 2

Hello charles, how's your evening? I had dinner with my aunt, uncle and cousin-just got home. I can see you round seven tommorrow. Can? And where please?

gee... alrighty then, see you another day. take good care and good night charles

Juz wanna give u a super extra squeezy squishy nuzzle snuggle hugle knock-u-down blow-u-over smoochy sloppy hug... Good day!

yes, practice was GOOD to me today! No worries, take your time, I'll go look what movies r there. Will head to bugis. Call me when you are done. I can't wait to see you 2!

Don't rush please. I'm at bugis... got tickets for shrek 2115, is it alright? call me when u arrive

It was great talking to you charles, always. I'm glad you explore the possibilities of what your feelings might be. We could dive into things but neither would want to be hurt, vice versa

my sentiments exactly-don't want to lose it too and yet not end it in the wrong way either. what should we do then charles?

yup yup, let's just carry on and do our best... and we'll see how it goes. I enjoyed my time again with you charles. Take care and do well for the report!

Good to hear that! Guess you must be deep in sleep now, rest well. Mass's about to start for me now. Take care charles.

Hello! Yup yup, had a god tan session! good to know you went to for mass! Happy for you! It's alright you go and have fun tommorrow. See you on thursday?

Hope your day was good as well. :) Take good care. I'll be missing you too charles.

Good morning charles-have a GREAT week ahead! Well, he's one gorgeous gay man... U've been on my mond charles. Take good care

Great! Happy to hear that from you. Yeah worried you might get sick hearing that from me. Likewise, I love hearing words like that from you also! If I don't mean it, I won't say it. Study well!

Precious precious SMS-es part 1 10-05-04 to 21-05-04

Well, my handphone's memory is now full of these precious SMS-es. So I thought I'll just write them here and delete them in my handphone to release some memory!

Hello charles, how have u been? Wanted to keep in touch but didn't really know how to. Ask ur bro finally-cheryl qop

Thanks, u look good yourself. Yeah, I still don't know y. Were either one of u interested then? Uk to do law hopefully.

Great talking to u as well! Call or sms whenever u can. We'll do something. want to ask bout smu too. good night charles.

Poor u! But good to know I made u feel better! Mine was e usuals- work's hectic then just a while at the gym. nope, no msn. I've got no internet.

hey charles... any plans tonight? :)

certainly, that would be great! just let me know when. I'll see you tommorrow then. take care charles. headed for practise now!

thank you for sending me back- enjoyed your company. Hmmmm, could you also tell my interest in you, if I have to be explicit?

thanky you, you are giving me a full ego trip! and yes, your maturity, focus and clever conversation's something i admire about as well

had my usual busy mon... yourself? how was lessson? I'm not looking for specific answers. I'm just inquisitive. You can give me any answer you feel from within

You received my sms charles?

Wow charles, I'm stumped-i mean wow. i never knew you felt like that since we first met. I honestly never thought myself as a big deal. it's very flattering. thank you. thanks for being honest. But I may also not be what you think I am. Lots of people say I look serious too. it's just the face i guess. I don't know either. If it happens, it'll.

IF we get together. IF we don't? Let nature take its course i guess. :) I'm glad my smile makes you feel great! I'm also just so happy to know how you feel about me

I can also easily let my emotions get the better of me actually... oh well :) Good night charles. It's been a lovely evening.

Have a lovely tues charles. Been thinking about you

ha... sweet but it wasn't me i have to admit. :) You have fun at break dancing. take care.

Thank you for appreciating. and yes, i do really care for u so enjoy, but really take care as well :)

work's really hectic! I'm head to quick gym too after work then gotta practice my scores. how's your session? enjoyed? Where the gym you go to?

hello :) I'm good though a little tired. yup yup busy busy the same. yourself? How are u doing? You eat well too and take care!

ha ha... won't want to see you simply in your undies..... oh well, give your shorts quick wash i guess? :)

ha ha... scandalous... will see. You enjoy the rest of today as well

Good morning to you too charles. Was just wondering- you certain you want to come all the way down to city though you are not breaking?

Hmmm, alrighty then :) I'm just concerned. Also, you've got stuff to complete on sunday, would going out on saturday hamper your work?

oh... i really hope i didn't make things tough for you. If I'm the cause of it, i really appreciate it much- real sweet of you. Will see you this evening then? Will be thinking of you

Good. Gald to know your focus in your priorities. See you then and take care charles.

Yikes! It's ascension today charles!

No worries, i'm as ignorant if not worse.. its the day when jesus ascends into heaven. It's day of obligation.

Go graveyard? When did catholics ever had a day to do that? :) Day of obligation- go for mass

Would you like to? But I'm not sure bout mass times... what about our run then?

charles, could you find out the mass times in the east? If you can't then we'll go holy corss? Thanks :)

Hair will grow! Don't worry about it too much. Of course it'll be very shallow of me to judge you because of your hair right? :)

Charles, I feel, likewise. I'm very comfy with you as well-i love talking to you, being in your presence. You are so easy to talk with. I feel as ease and somewhat secure with you

Thank you, I'm really glad to hear things from you where you usually don't share. Appreciate it much. I say again, I love the emotional you. Take care and sweet dreams charles

:) It's been an alright day and you've just made it even beta!U melt me.. I've been thinking about you much as well. work hard-I'm headed to my cousin's 4 music. take care!


It's been so long since I last updated my blog! So many things have happened since. Well, Callixta replied that she still considers me as a friend and all that. I felt so embarrassed! However when I tried to re add her in MSN, she refused to accept. And when I sms-ed her, she apparently deleted my hp number when she asked me who I was because she doesn't save such numbers. Oh well... Why lose sleep over such a "friend" Charles. Anyway, my intentions towards were so unhonourable. Why be sad over a gal who's more of a sex object then a friend? I'm such a fool at times. A misguided, lustful silly fool.

Just received my results for TWC. Got a B plus that's a 3.4 and it's going to pull down my Grede Point Average of 3.7. Sigh.. On the other hand, the good news is that things seem to be better between me and Cheryl! We had a good chat at the coffee club and I was so glad when she told me that she's seeing this guy(Who sounds like a real horrid fellow who's got some issues dealing with singlehood) It's not that I'm gloating that he's such a weak competitor for Cheryl's heart. But that I'm happy because I'm not the guy in her life. That she has alternatives rather than just me in her love life. It can get pretty sad if I end up going steady with her just because I'm the only candidate. Likewise it can get pretty sad if the competitions so tough. It's a fine balance. Ahh... Dating, what a complicated game. Making someone and myself fall in love together, what a crazy game. But, what is life without it's hardships and moments? Suffering and joy are but transient periods in our lives with death being the only certainty of mortals like me.

Now to other women. Just went out with Huiwen on saturday. Had a marvellous time with her! Seems like her family isn't too well off according to her. She's a delight to talk to!(meaning that she laughs alot at my jokes. ahahah, just joking. That's not the main reason why she's a delight to talk to but it sure boosts my ego!) But chasing her will be difficult... Simply because I don't think she's looking for a relationship, having just got out of one recently. Apparently, she just ignored the guy too much. And hence the break up. To get in her good books, I think it's going to be tough...

These are my thoughts for now.