Monday, July 11, 2005

Je n'aime pas le travail: I do not like work

Finally I've moved my lazy fat ass and started to blog again. I've been meaning to conclude that Cherry entry for some time now. Having Prabs bug me about it and seeing Adrian's blog inspired me to finally start writing. Adrian's blog( ) is extremely funny by the way!

Back to Cherry. Well, at first I was really interested in her! I mean, how often do I get a pretty gal with a hot figure all over me? Coming over to my work station during discreet occasions to have a chat and asking me down to the 5th floor(a deserted place where the smokers hang out) to chill with her while she puffed away. And so I thought to myself, AlThOuGh ShE SmS-Es LiKe ThIs AnD LoOks
LiKe An LiAn aNd SoUnDs LiKe OnE wEiRd GaL I DoN't MiNd ChAsInG AfTeR HeR. Perhaps I
was being too harsh, I told myself. After all, she can't help it when she sms-es things like "So NoW YoU GoT tHe HiNt, YoU mUsT tAke AcTiOn HOR HOR" (OMFG, she sounds like a farking horse, HOR HOR who uses a double Hor? Maybe she meant whore whore )

So I went along with her flirting. She would go "So SlEePy, WiSh I gOt a ShOuLdeR tO rEsT mY hEaD On" I wanted to reply "HoW aBoUt SoMe HeAd tHen WHORE? WHORE!!!" But instead i resisted my urge to mock her and reply sweet messages with proper captions like "aww... poor thing, my shoulder's avaliable if you like =D" Those days we'll sms back and forth but she would always be very evasive whenever I asked if she has a boyfriend or when was the last time she was in a relationship. Instead
she only seemed interested in hinting me to do stuff for her like "HaVeN HaD bReAkFaSt LeH, nO One bUy Me. SoB sOb" or "WhY u AsK WhErE I sTaY NeH? WaN tO FeTcH mE tO wOrK iS It?"

Anyway after some days, it soon became apparent she was just flirting around and toying with no intention to pusue anything serious beyond giving me a hard time.(no pun intended, she doesn't even say horny stuff. Just hints on doing stuff for her) Fortunately, besides being a fool by getting breakfast for her once, I've resisted her hints to do anything else.

I remember once she asked me out for lunch and she was telling me:
"do you know why I always go home immediately after work before I go out?"
I replied "so that u can go and shower and change?"
"yes... but there's another reason..." she went in a sly shy way

At that time the only reason I could think of (and relate to) was so that she could

"Lock the door,
Rub her knob,
Squeeze her tits and
Scream in fits"

So I told her "no, I can't think of anything else" Then she
pondered for a while and replied "so that someone will drive and bring me out. I've not taken public transport for .... 2-3 years liao" I just kept quiet and


Later my friend called me and I yanked on the phone the whole time we were having lunch. That incident and many others confirmed my suspicions that she's just out to take whatever advantage she can. Subsequent enquires with her and confirmations with fellow NTU interns revealed that she had over 30 ex bfs and has already
a boyfriend during that time she was flirting with me, lies like a snake and that no body wants to be in the same project group as her in school because she's never there at meetings and that she goes clubbing every week. Interestinly, it also turns out that she's got very good grades despite her hectic clubbing lifestyle(she told me that she used to go clubbing at Rush everynight and boasts that she gets free entrance and drinks because she knows everyone there)

And hence that's the end of the Cherry Saga. A short lived but good lesson in life that there some girls in singapore who are just so farking selfish and inconsiderate who use men like toilet paper.

And from that day I realised that I swore that I'll never be a nice guy to girls unless I can see the benefit in it.

Actually, its not really this incident that made me so bitter about girls but rather it is a cumulation of several incidents.

Was talking to this law chick(student doing law) yesterday on MSN. Interesting conversation, apparently one of the reasons she went on exchange is to be "wild" However she just couldn't get herself to be a slut. She's too shy. Damn...

She's pretty good looking, rich and out-going(lovely conversationist). Wish I chased after her instead of Beng Lee. But that's another
story for another blog entry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Lock the door,
Rub her knob,
Squeeze her tits and
Scream in fits"

Charles, ur rhymes is tight!

Nice guys finish last my friend, that's why i'm right behind you. LOL.

11:53 PM  

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